Whether your award proceeds come in the form of a settlement or verdict, spending time in a prolonged courtroom legal battle can be overwhelming, stress and anxiety.
A Settlement & Pre- Windfall: If settlement present itself and both parties can come to an agreement, you may have an opportunity to have a say in negotiating the way your settlement is maximized in your favor.
#1. Contact a financial windfall expert asap. The sooner the better. You might even have enough time left to design and structure the event that maximizes your gains and minimizes a substantial taxable event. We recognize unique scenarios and are able to recommend a team of consultants such as CPA’s, Tax and Estate Attorney’s to help.
If you’re in a strong and prolonged emotional state, it’s critical to simply take a pause and hold off on making any major financial decisions.
Contacting a financial expert familiar with sudden financial windfalls can help minimize some of the stress and anxiety you may be having.
Our latest Inheritance blog:Â When Boomers Retire, Their Wealth Will Go to the Young and Financially Inexperienced. Is That You?